The Strongest Laser Pointer for a Safe Hallowe’en

October 18, 2023
By Alpec
Alpec’s wicked lasers can be used safely throughout the spooky season like inside jack-o-lanterns or writing “halloween” on the sidewalk with laser light

Alpec’s powerful laser pointers can be a part of the season’s spooky good times when kids run around collecting candy as if in a fever dream. Our laser pointers are powerful and safe.

A Reminder about the Strongest Lasers and Alpec’s Safe Lasers

Lasers are a part of many kids costumes (will the power of “Star Wars” ever end?) and handheld lasers can be a fun part of an adult costume, too. Our lasers are powerful – great for using at night while walking house to house in search of candy – and safe. We’ll always be committed to safety and, unlike some other laser pointers, all Alpec laser pointers are safe and comfortable for viewing with nothing more than your eyes. 

All Alpec laser pointers provide 100% IR filtration, the standard to safely avoid eye damage, plus approval from the FDA and the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH). Our lasers are certified as safe to use for presentation and pointing.

You may be fooled into thinking our green laser pointers are the strongest lasers out there because, even at very low energy output, at 5 mW or less, our green laser pointers are very bright, 30 times brighter than red. The human eye is drawn to it, a neat trick for light shows and displays and those green light sabers. Our customers also LOVE our green laser pointers because they work well on flat screen TVs. 

Laser Safety Tips to Prevent Eye Damage

We’ve studied lasers of all kinds and make handheld laser pointers that are extremely safe. Here are a few pointers to keep your eyes and your community safe during the spooky season. Follow these guidelines and you’ll never have to worry, like George does in this episode of “Seinfeld, about injuries or other issues with laser pointers. 

  • Never aim or shine a laser directly at anyone, including animals
  • Do not aim a laser at any vehicle, aircraft, or shiny surface.
  • Do not buy laser pointers for children or allow children to use them. Laser pointers are not toys. Even an FDA-recommended IEC Class I Laser Product includes some risk.
  • Do not buy or use any laser that emits more than 5 mW power, or that does not have the power output printed on the labeling.
  • Immediately consult a health care professional if you experience eye sensitivity or “flashing” after using a laser.

Be Safe Out There

Lasers are specialty tools – we do not recommend using lasers as toys. Or as the laser-carrying guy at the movies tells George in the “Seinfeld” episode linked above: “It’s not the laser that’s funny. I’m funny.” No matter your plans for Hallowe’en or other autumnal holidays, please be safe out there.